
Inheritance diagram of EvaluationAttributeNameValidator
class EvaluationAttributeNameValidator(*p, **k)[source]

Validator for Evaluation attribute names. Apart from the standard named groups (scheme, authority, path, query and fragment), the following named groups are created:

  • attrname: attribute name. same as concatenating _subst with _expr

  • _expr: a mathematical expression

  • _evalrefs: a list of eval refs found in the name (see getRefs())

  • [_subst]: a semicolon-separated repetition of key=value (for replacing them in _expr)

  • [devname]: as in EvaluationDeviceNameValidator

  • [_evalname]: evaluation instance name (aka non-dotted dev name)

  • [_evaldotname]: evaluator instance dotted name (if dotted name given)

  • [_old_devname]: devname without “@”. Only in non-strict mode

  • [_dbname] and [_subst]: unused. Only if non-strict mode

  • [cfgkey] same as fragment (for bck-compat use only)

Note: brackets on the group name indicate that this group will only contain a value if the URI contains it.

Import from taurus.core.evaluation.evalvalidator as:

from taurus.core.evaluation.evalvalidator import EvaluationAttributeNameValidator
authority = '//localhost'
static expandExpr(expr, substmap)[source]

expands expr by substituting all keys in map by their value. Note that eval references in expr (i.e. text within curly brackets) is not substituted.

  • expr (str) – string that may contain symbols defined in symbolMap

  • symbolMap (dict or str) – dictionary whose keys (strings) are symbols to be substituted in expr and whose values are the corresponding replacements. Alternatively, a string containing a semi-colon separated list of symbol=value pairs can also be passed.

fragment = '(?P<cfgkey>[^# ]*)'

returns the full data base name for the given attribute name


Obtain the fullname of the device from the attribute name


Returns the expanded expression from the attribute name URI


name (str) – eval attribute URI


the expression (from the name )expanded with any substitution k,v pairs also defined in the name

Return type:


getNames(fullname, factory=None, fragment=False)[source]

reimplemented from TaurusDeviceNameValidator

static getRefs(expr, ign_quoted=True)[source]

Find the attribute references (strings within brackets) in an eval expression. In case of nested references, only the outermost level is returned.

Example: val.getRefs(‘{foo}bar{zig{zag}}boom’) –> [‘foo’, ‘zig{zag}’]

  • expr (str) – the expression to parse

  • ign_quoted – If True (default) ignore refs within quotes


a list of refs (not including the brackets)

Return type:


getUriGroups(name, strict=None)[source]

reimplemented from TaurusAttributeNameValidator to provide backwards compatibility with old syntax

isValid(name, matchLevel=None, strict=None)[source]

reimplemented from TaurusAttributeNameValidator to do extra check on references validity (recursive)

property nonStrictNamePattern

In non-strict mode support old-style eval config names

path = '(?!//)/?((?P<devname>@((?P<_evalname>[^/?#:\\.=]+)|(?P<_evaldotname>((?P<_evalinstname>\\w+)=)?(?P<_evalmodname>(\\w+\\.)*\\w+)\\.(?P<_evalclassname>(\\w+|\\*))(?P<_evalclassparenths>\\(("[^"]*"|\\\'[^\\\']*\\\'|[^\\\'"/])*?\\))?)))/)?(?P<attrname>(?P<_subst>(((?<![\\.a-zA-Z0-9_])[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)=([^?#=;]+);)+)?(?P<_expr>[^@?#]+))'
query = '(?!)'
static replaceUnquotedRef(string, substring, repl)[source]

Return a copy of string where first non-quoted occurrence of substring is replaced by repl

  • string (str) – string to be used

  • substring (str) – substring to be replaced

  • repl (str) – replacement


Return type:


scheme = 'eval'